We also had different family members visit the entire month with only about 3 or 4 days to ourselves, so you can also see our family here too. Hope you enjoy!
At the hospital, in between contractions. I am on a "birthing ball" with my focal points: Levi's Snuggly &
his ultrasound pictures. I'm about 5 to 6 cm dilated here.
his ultrasound pictures. I'm about 5 to 6 cm dilated here.
Mama gets to hold her boy for the first time.
Our first family picture--about 45 minutes after Levi was born.
One of my favorite pictures of Levi, taken about 1 1/2 hour old. It was so amazing how alert he was for the first few
hours of his life. He has blue-gray eyes, as you can kinda see
here. For some reason, most of the pictures below don't quite capture the true color of his eyes.
Levi actually looks a lot like my (Amy's) baby picture here and his first week. He , however, starts to look more and more like Dustin by the end of month!
Dustin changing Levi's first dirty diaper. That meconium is sure sticky and difficult to clean up!
Levi with his Snuggly--about the same size of him.
Levi and Daddy bonding.
These are the decorations outside our home that surprised us on our way home from the hospital.
The DiChiara family all home together.
The boys getting some shut eye together . . .
Two-day-old Levi (look at those cute chubby checeks) checking out his crib.
[note to Concerned Family Members seeing this 'Bama T-shirt: the official date stamp on this picture is 5/18/08]
So cuddly . . .
Grandma Laura reading to Levi his first book.
Grandpa Brian working his magic in getting Levi to fall asleep on his chest. (Apparently it's contagious)
Dustin wore this 'Bama shirt when he was a baby. :-)
Look at all the hair Levi has and his chubby cheeks--they will disappear by the end of the month!
[Also note the date stamp is: 5/19/08]
Levi's first (sponge) bath at home!
All clean!
M-Go Blue!
[note to Concerned Family Members: the official date stamp for this picture is 5/19/08]
(Levi's participation was completely spontaneous and unplanned! I was so surprised when I took the picture.)
Levi with Grandpa and Grandma McEwan
Now a new set of grandparents came in town to see Levi and help out: Mama Lu (my mother) and MaGe (Levi's great grandmother!)
Levi snuggling up to Mama Lu (aka MaLu).
He is 5 days old here.
Levi spending time with his Great Grandmother, MaGe.
Three generations: MaLu, Mama, and Levi.
Trying to decide if he's sleepy . . .
One Week Old:
All done eating, and content!
Don't be fooled--he's not always content!
He loves looking at his picture book!
The next set of family came into town--Uncle Brian (Dustin's brother), Aunt Sara, and Cousin Isaiah (11 months old).
On Levi's 2-week birthday, we took him to his first Red's game.
Two Week Old Levi:
(you can already see Levi's face changing. His cheeks are slimming down).
The next set of parents now came into town--PaJ (Dustin's dad), MaJ (D's stepmom), Aunt Amanda (D's step-sis), Uncle Joey (D's step-bro), and Aunt Melina (D's half sister).
PaJ hanging out with his grandson dressed in the 'Bama shirt.
Three Weeks Old:
Aunt Melina loves giving Levi kisses. He likes it too!
The next set of parents came: Nana and Pawpaw (Dustin's mom & step-dad).
Chillin' at the end of Tummy Time
Gotta love his tiny hands and feet!(of course, for a baby, he's got long fingers and toes!)
Four Weeks Old:
Looking more and more like Daddy!
Falling asleep with Daddy on Father's Day.
(He loves to sleep like this!)
Great Uncle Donny and Aunt Jody come to visit Levi too.
A good friend of mine, Brittany, was pregnant the same time as me and due 2 weeks later. I ended up delivering 9 days early, and she a couple weeks late. So, her little girl, Ruthie was born one month later on June 15th. We went to visit Brittany, Daniel, and their little girl Ruthie in the hospital when she was one day old and on Levi's One-Month Birthday. We went to introduce the two to each other. This is what Levi did on his own right when he saw her!
Already a Ladies' Man! He knows a pretty girl when he sees one. :-)
They stayed content like this for a couple minutes!
This concludes Levi's first month. I love these next pictures. You can get a real good look at his pretty blue eyes. You can also see how he's thinning up on top, and his face looks so different from when he was first born. A "little man" face! :-)
One Month Old:
yay!!! so glad to see the recent pics! I was just telling David when we received your announcement in the mail that Levi was starting to look like Dustin. I'll be bookmarking your blog!
We enjoyed looking at the pictures of Levi and his many family members. He is very cute. We also enjoyed the narrative of his first month.
Kate and Alex
I can't believe how much he has grown since we have been to see you guys! He is absolutely beautiful, and am so glad you love taking pictures of him, because I love to look at them! Keep up the nice work :-)
oh my goodness Amy! He is adorable...Congrats to you and Dustin!!
Great pics, Ames! Are you DRESSED in the first family picture? I noticed the bare shoulders... ;-) I can't wait to meet Levi and you and Dustin as official parents!
Haa,haa--I had just fed Levi and quickly covered myself with my gown, but didn't button the shoulders in time . . . I was hoping no one would notice . . . ;-)
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