Last night on the eve of his Seven-Week-Birthday, Levi officially "Slept Through The Night"! (aka "sttn" to blogging moms ;-) ) Levi slept for 7.5 hours straight!! We put him down for the night at 10:45pm and he didn't wake up until 6:15am. The extremely ironic part of it was that the night before I prepared a bottle of pumped milk because Dustin offered to do a night feeding for me to allow me to get some much-needed sleep. How does it figure that it was THAT same night Levi doesn't have a middle-of-the-night feeding?! Figures. Dustin did do that 6:15am feeding allowing me to sleep even more. However, I could only sleep for a couple more hours because of the extreme pain from engorgement--my first of such an experience! Funny, but those early morning dreams consisted of dreams of feeling like I had to find a breast pump, but none was to be found as well as the need to nurse, but Levi nowhere to be found! :-) I had to pump both before and after feeding Levi and got a total of 6.5 ounces!
Levi has actually been doing fantastically at night, going down relatively easily and sleeping consistently 4-5 hours at a time. I definitely can't complain about that! But 7.5 hours?? Hallelujah! Will he repeat such a wonderful night? We'll see . . .
1 comment:
When Seth and I had lunch at Chick-Fil-A today, we (naturally) talked about how you guys were doing. It's great to get an update! I hope he continues to sleep through the night and give Mom and Dad some rest. He's quite the cutie!
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