I finally did it. I really hadn’t spent a lot of time thinking about it. Everything seemed to line up, and the decision was just a natural one. For the first time in my life, I got a different haircut. I have *tried* to get a different hair cut in the past, but always ended up being basically the same thing. My hair is currently the shortest it has ever been. What prompted the change? I think the biggest thing is that I am currently in a new phase of life and a new hair style can represent that easily—a mommy haircut, if you will. I guess it will take my body a while to recover from pregnancy, so the new do helps me feel better about myself—something I can easily change. I think the thing that pushed me over was the fact that my 10 year High School Reunion was around the corner, and I decided I couldn't go to it with the same hair-do! I am also a big nerd, and I spent about an hour online "researching" what type of hairstyle I should get based on my face-type and looking at celebrity/model pictures, fueling my confidence for the change. Over 8 inches were chopped off. Not enough for Locks-of-Love, but enough to donate to the Aveda Institute for students to practice cutting and coloring my hair.
Love it! You look great, girl. Short and sassy :0)
oooh, nice 'do ... love it ...
Thank you, girls! :-)
hotness... : )
Amy, I love your new look! It looks great on you. And I agree with Dustin - I think Levi gets that pouty lip from his mama - it's absolutely adorable. What a sweet baby.
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