Just chilin':

Happy, 6 month-old Birthday, Levi! (when the below picture was taken--November 16th, 2008)

Six months really is a significant milestone. It is just about this time that Levi started sitting up well, unsupported. On one hand, it is exciting to watch Levi grow, experience the world, and reach new milestones. On the other hand, it is bittersweet to know my little baby boy is no longer a little infant. It's weird to see all these other new babies being born and babies *younger* than Levi!
It was the beginning of November, just prior to 6 months, when Levi first started rolling from his back to his belly. Below are a series of fun pictures that Brittany, his sitter, took of Levi, capturing one of these first moments. I was so thankful for her sharing this with me! Below is Levi battling Ruthie for her book.

He see's what he wants . . .

Here he goes . . .

Can't quite reach the book . . .

He did it!! (Levi is saying, "Ruthie, no, it's mine!!")
A week or so later, I tried to capture my own step-by step roll at home:

Apparently, books are a great motivator!

Proud Mama with her big boy!

Dressed for the cold, and holding his favorite ball.

Our sweet friend, Mandy Marshall, made this sweet hat for Levi--an early Christmas present. It will be treasured in our family for years! It is the cutest Santa hat I have ever seen. :-)
Some more random shots as the month progressed:

He's still a skinny boy, but loves to eat!

My mother-in-law was so sweet to come in to town for Thanksgiving and did most of the cooking for us. I had to work the majority of Thanksgiving Day (I actually got off work a lot earlier than I thought I would--like at 1:30pm), so Nana came in town and helped make the yummy, southern Thanksgiving dinner for
her boy. :-)

D very happy and excited about the spread: roasted turkey, corn pudding, sweet potato casserole, stuffing (my contribution), macaroni and cheese, cranberries, green beans, and, of course, corn bread. Oh, don't forget dessert: chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, and fudge. Needless to say, we didn't have to cook for a long time after this meal. :-)

Levi's Thanksgiving Eating Experiences:

This boy cries whenever the food stops coming. Sometimes I can't shovel it in fast enough! He wants more sweet potato here . . . :-)

First vanilla wafer! It was a winner . . .

. . and bread!

Nana loving on her grandson.

Aunt Carol also came to visit the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Levi LOVES his "Johnny Jumper"--he goes crazy bouncing in these things. I tell ya, this boy has some serious leg muscles. :-)

Levi sportin' his Alabama PJs after Alabama's win over Auburn. Roll Tide!

I love this little coat for Levi and his adorable moccasins.
1 comment:
he is adorable amy!
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