So, I've been working full-steam now as a new mom. Working over-full-time. How has it been? Well, thanks for asking.
Overall, it has been going well, and life is good. I really do enjoy my work: enjoy taking care of patients, enjoy the intellectual challenge of the medical field, and the push to always keep learning and passing that onto others--patients and other residents / medical students. I feel very blessed to have such a unique profession where I can significantly impact many people and receive personal satisfaction.
The hours. That's the kicker. I am not a big fan of working 70-80+ hours per week. I don't like having only 4 days off per month. That's really the hardest part. I guess that's a big DUH. You know, because of my hours, I had been really worried about missing out on Levi's growth and development in such a fun, exciting time where so much happens. The worry is not completely gone, but it is not as bad as I thought it'd be. I am not missing out on as much as I thought I would. Yeah, it stinks to not come home some nights until after Levi goes to bed. It's sad that I'm lucky to nurse him just once per day (dinner time) (yeah, I'm still pumping/breast feeding). And, I am sad to miss out on just hanging out with him during the day, experience life together, and enjoy his babbling, laughs, and sitting "happy dance" when he gets excited.
Despite all that I could be sad about (and am sometimes hit with), life as a Momma Doc is good. I really treasure our time together. Levi definitely recognizes me and knows me as his Mama. When I come home from work, or when Dustin brings Levi to visit me at work, he recognizes me and expresses an excitement in seeing me that he doesn't do for anyone else. It warms my heart so. I have been able to spend good, quality time when we are together. Thanks to Dustin (and Brittany!), he keeps me in the loop so that I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I am able to have an active role in "directing" his care. Really, Dustin is just an incredible husband, and he is the reason I give when people ask me, "How do I do it?" I am humbled by how much he serves our family in taking care of Levi when I'm not around and keeping our household from falling apart. I praise God for him. I also praise God how he continues to grow our marriage, and how things are better now than they have ever been.
All in all, I am happy about being a working mom. I get the best of everything. Sure, I have little-to-no down-time for "myself", but it's OK. I look forward to the day when I can control my schedule and eventually work part-time (how amazing that will be!). Meanwhile, I am trying to practice "contentment in all things". As Paul continues to say in Phillipians 4, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" -- even finish medical training while being a wife and mother.
Just some fun pics of Levi sportin' his scrubs, like his Mama:

1 comment:
The picture of you two asleep is great! I'm guessing Dustin took that one (duh..) Way to go, Dustin! Levi looks so peaceful and happy!
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