A few days shy of turning 13 months, Levi did some of his first crawling! The picture to my right is Dustin working with Levi, trying to teach him to crawl and Levi HATING it. It's quite funny--he is definitely strong enough to support himself, but often just rests his head on the ground and cries in frustration. (The picture below is Dustin trying to convince Levi that crawling is FUN!)

I wanted to capture on video Levi's fighting of the crawling, but instead caught him crawling! The video is below. Please forgive my repetitiveness in narrating on the video. I had to start and stop then restart again a few times in recording...
Here's some more pictures of Levi doing really well standing and cruising around.

This is how Levi often rides around. I just think it's the cutest and funniest thing, especially since he's been putting his hands behind his head since he's been born, and even while in the womb (thanks to 3D pics at 17 weeks).

Bonus video: Daddy and Levi being silly together:
So funny the way he puts his head down on the ground! "Forget crawling, my butt scoot gets me where I want to go!" (And walking, now, right?)
Yeah, he's actually walking like a pro now (as well as crawling). Hopefully I can get those pictures and videos up here soon!
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