At 11 and 1/2 months, Levi started saying his first words. Officially, Dada was his first word. (I have assured Dustin that's it's just because it's a lot easier to say than Mama. ;-) ). A couple weeks of intermittent "Dada's", Levi surprised me when I picked him up from daycare today. Almost as if it was a normal, every day occurance, he waved and said "Bye-bye" to the ladies as we left. I was shocked--did I really hear correctly?! Later this same day he said "ball" very clearly. He also started saying a verison of "diaper". So exciting!!! Almost out of no where, we had 4 words:
Dada, bye-bye, ball, &
diaper. He would only say these words very intermittently and unpredictably--but it was a fun start!
These 2 pictures are part of a collection every Italian child must have--"basta face" pictures. He loves his basta!

Just some fun in our yard.

Here's a very short clip of the cute babbling he was doing constantly around this time.
Levi is so funny. It really is amazing how a little child can already have so many "quirks." Levi is really weird about touching new textures. He is really not a fan of his skin touching the grass.

Lifting up one foot to minimize time in contact with the grass.

He's thinking--can I lift
both of my legs up??
Here's a picture from 2 weeks earlier with Levi doing the same thing in the grass.

Not the best picture, but you can see he's not so sure about that green-stuff.

Also, around this time, Levi just started mastering his clapping (just in time for his birthday-audience around the corner!). Below is a video of it. It was fun to start seeing him clearly understand what we were saying and responding appropriately.
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