On the Sunday of Levi's baptism, it was pretty neat to have most of my immediate side of the family in town on the same day. We hung out with my dad and Laura's side of the family the first half of the weekend, then we spent the second-half with my mother and grandmother. Here is Levi in his "post-baptism" outfit (courtesy of Nana). I couldn't resist taking some pictures.

One of my favorite past-times: tickling Levi and making him laugh.

October 5th also ended up being the first time Levi put his foot in his mouth! I happened to catch it on camera. (I think he liked his new Robeez he wore for the baptism) . . .

Actually, a few hours after the baptism, Dustin had to catch a flight to go out of town for a week to help open a Chick-fil-A in Iowa (the longest time Dustin and I had ever been apart since we've been married :-( ). So, my mother and grandmother stayed in town for the next entire week helping me out and spending time with Levi during the day while I was at work. It was a blessing to have them in town, and I know Levi enjoyed his time with his MaLu and MaGe!

MaGe has decided to only speak to Levi in Bulgarian, which he loves to hear. MaGe is so cute with Levi, singing him Bulgarian rhymes and sweet expressions, and she always is able to bring a smile to his face.

Here's Levi laughing at MaGe during dinner.

MaLu and Levi bonded this week. She took care of Levi during the day, giving his bottles, changing him, and putting him down for his naps.

More fun with Levi and his great-grandmother, MaGe.

Four generations together. Of course, I'm in my PJs . . .

I LOVE this sweater. I lovingly call it his "old man sweater." My friend's mother made it for Levi, and his been getting good use out of it this fall.

Levi is starting to get more mobile, and you have to keep an eye on him in his Bumbo seat. I realized it this day when I saw how much he can twist around in his seat and reach for stuff. These series of pictures are taken one-after-another, and is about when Levi started his reaching for anything-any-everything-phase (which, I believe, is a LONG phase!). It's funny to watch him go after everything (but challenging when holding him and trying to get stuff done!)

(He actually was able to grab that bag of bread!)

Reaching his time-limit in the seat and trying to pop out . . .

In his exersaucer.
One of my favorite pictures of Levi!

He looks so long here!

Here's a couple pictures of Levi watching his first "T.V." We got a Baby Einstein video that we decided to show Levi. He absolutely loved it and was fascinated with all the colors, shapes, and music. Dustin and I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that we were let our 5 month old watch T.V. . . . Were we being bad parents??

Loving the video!
Dustin and I finally went through our basement to get ride of some stuff. We decided to do a yard sale with friends of ours, the Laginesses. The yard sale was also inspired by the "Financial Peace University" class we'd been doing through church (13 week course by Dave Ramsey) to be "gazelle-like-intensity" in getting ride of debt. I'm not sure all the effort was worth the pay-off, but at least we made some more room in our house.

The men working the yard sale. :-)
October 14th was my 28th birthday (yikes!), and Dustin honored my by getting me these beautiful flowers as well as organizing a little party at "B=dubbs" (aka "Buffalo Wild Wings") to celebrate. (He also got me tickets to the "So You Think You Can Dance" show that was on tour. I completely got into the show this past season, and the concert was amazing fun!!!!)

My wonderful husband also made me this delicious strawberry cake.

Birthday Mama with her baby boy. :-)
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