Here's a little video of us catching Levi doing a few steps in a row on video. He really hadn't repeated the walking performance he did at daycare over a week prior. We had to bribe him with food to get him to walk.
This was taken on August 5th, 2009, almost 15 months old.
Now, the REAL walking came 5 days later, on August 10th, 2009, when Grandpa came in town. Grandpa had an idea to try to play the walking game, and Levi decided he liked it! We quickly pulled out the video camera and caught it all on tape! (err, I mean on pixels...)
Our soon-to-be 15 month old is officially walking!!!
It's amazing how much Levi has grown in these last 4 months in motor skills, when 4 months ago, he didn't know how to go from laying to sitting nor pull himself up to stand! We praise God for his development and are so thankful for the therapy he received!
Hope you enjoy the videos of this momentous occasion captured!