Like we do every third week in February, we went to Chick-fil-A's yearly Seminar, located in Long Beach, CA in L.A. County. Children are not allowed to come, so Levi got to spend some quality time with Grandpa and Grandma during those 4 days. We got a flight from Cincinnati that connected in Atlanta so that my parents could get a gate pass. We handed Levi off to them with his bags, and had only 10 minutes to get our connecting flight. He was very happy to see them, reaching out for Grandma and giggling as he kept waving at Grandpa. I teared up to leave my little boy behind . . . It's the longest stretch I'd ever been away (2 days previously). I brought plenty of pictures with me and called multiple times during our trip to check in on him.

Of note, during the Seminar, it was announced in front of everyone in the Northern Region of Chick-fil-A that Dustin was selected as the Owner/Operator of the new Freestanding Store, "Houston Road FSU", in Florence, KY. The new store will be in an amazing location and about 20 minutes from our house.

Thank you for letting Mom and Dad go on their vacation!
We got back in town on Thursday with Levi, then set back on another plane Saturday to St. Augustine Beach, FL for our first family vacation with just the three of us.
Levi's first time at the beach!

Levi LOVES the sand. He kept playing with it, digging in the sand and watching it fall through his hands.

Levi's Great Grandpa and Grandma, who have been staying in their RV right on the beach in St. Augustine Beach since late December.