This morning, Levi took his first consecutive steps!!! Dustin was dropping him off at daycare today (where he's been more clingy, not wanting to let us go) when it happened. Dustin put Levi down, standing him up, and backed away. Levi took four steps toward Dustin (as he was trying to keep backing up) before falling into him!!! How exciting! Of course, I wish I was there (I was on my way to work), but I got to see his first single step just a couple days earlier. We were over at my Dad's house (Grandpa & Grandma's house in Atlanta), and on Saturday, July 25th, at 14 months, just before we left, Levi was standing up, and took one step on his own before sitting down. Very exciting!
I'm sure the next month will be a big change for us as his confidence and new-found motility increases.
This is a video taken two weeks earlier. It's nothing too fabulous, but it captures Levi now pulling himself up to stand easily, cruising, and excitingly crawling well to Dada when he hears him talking on the phone in the kitchen.
Here's some pictures from our recent Atlanta visit. Sadly the last time I had been to Atlanta had been 1 year ago!! Dustin had a business meeting in Atlanta starting on Thursday, he went ahead and brought Levi to stay with Grandpa and Grandma. I joined up with them on Friday, spending 24 hours with both set of parents for a whirl-wind, fabulous weekend!

Everyone came in town from my Dad's side of the family, and we spent Saturday afternoon at Lake Alatoona.

Levi and Aunt Heather bonding. He likes her hat. :-)

Uncle Ben, Aunt Megan, and Grandpa!

This weekend we discovered how much Levi LOVES watermelons!! Aunt Heather was Levi's hero for giving him the goods.
This video is hilarious in seeing how vigorously and enthusiastically Levi consumed the watermelon.
Some sweet pictures of Levi and Dada together:

Around this time is when Levi started his love of wearing hats. He refers to all baseball hats as "baseball" (or "bayball" as he says). You can see here how excited he gets about putting it on.

We watched on Friday night Dad win the winning tie breaker set for his tennis team allowing them to move on in the playoffs.

Grandma and Levi!

Levi with Aunt Heather and Uncle Greg.
At MaLu and MaGe's!

MaLu was Levi's personal escort helping him walk all over the place!

He loves Bulgarian food!

This picture perfectly typifies my mother and MaGe, especially when it comes to feeding Levi. They both really get into it! :-)

For like 10 minutes+ straight, Levi and MaLu just played with an empty water bottle and its cap. He just loved it!

So cool!

Levi had fun trying out the stairs with MaLu.
Here is the fig tree that was planted on Levi's birthday!

Here's a little fun video of Levi dancing at MaLu's.

My 14 month old boy, looking like a little man!
Back in Atlanta, Levi gave the walker for a spin outside in our driveway.